Ecosystem Updates

Curated posts from the Juno ecosystem

Empowering Community Leadership:

Empowering Community Leadership: The Evolution of Juno Through Its Council-Led Approach

Juno NetworkJunø ⚡

The @JunoNetwork Dev Department & Dan from @Cosmology discussed revolutionary front-end tools

Abstract SDK is proposing to team up with $JUNO to create a central hub for builders.

They're exploring an #Interchain DEX & Money Market to energize the ecosystem.

Discover the ins and outs of minting and deploying tokens with $JUNO's Token Factory, and kickstart your project with a balanced token distribution strategy.

Seeking proposals to deploy a DEX

Meeting Minutes & Highlights #1 Operations Dept.

Juno v19 β€” Rhea

Rhea, the first Juno software upgrade of 2024, is coming to the mainnet! Packed with exciting features, this upgrade is a game-changer for Juno’s future.

Juno NetworkJunø ⚡

Update Detected!


Version 1.2.0 is up for testing.


Reece & Highlander Juno - v17 Upgrade Deep Dive

Join us as Reece, the lead developer of Juno, gives us an inside look into the latest v18 upgrade and what it means for the community and developers. πŸš€

Juno CommunicationsJuno Communications

Tune in to our Spotify podcast and listen back to the Twitter Space. Meet the nominees for the $JUNO Development Department.

Tune in to our Spotify podcast and listen back to the Juno Constitution Call. Meet the nominees for the $JUNO Operations Department.


Inside Scoop #18 - BetFi

Tune in to the latest episode of The Inside Scoop, brought to you by the Community Relations department, featuring an in-depth look at BetFi. BetFi has recently launched its protocol on the Juno testnet and is offering rewards to those who claim their token, used for gameplay. For more information, be sure to watch our video.

Juno CommunicationsJuno Communications

Yieldmos's Juno Outpost

Inside Scoop #17" provides an update on Yieldmos, a project automating staking and reward management in the interchain ecosystem. It offers user-friendly features, customization, and emphasizes automation, making it a significant player in blockchain interoperability

Juno CommunicationsJuno Communications

Juno Ethos and Values

The article discusses Juno blockchain's core principles of decentralization, open source development, and community involvement, emphasizing its potential as a platform for innovation despite the chal

Juno NetworkJunø ⚡
Reece & Highlander Juno - v17 Upgrade Deep Dive

Reece & Highlander Juno - v17 Upgrade Deep Dive

Join us as Reece, the lead developer of Juno, gives us an inside look into the latest v17 upgrade and what it means for the community and developers. πŸš€

Juno CommunicationsJuno Communications
Inside Scoop #15 - HackJuno Turkey

Inside Scoop #15 - HackJuno Turkey

Inside HackJuno Turkey: Challenges, Projects, and the Future with Beyza of OxWilds" Highlander of Juno Communications recently sat down with Beyza from OxWilds to delve into the details of their Hackathon, "HackJuno Turkey." In this conversation, we explored the challenges presented during the event, highlighted participating projects, and discussed OxWilds' support strategy for these initiatives. Additionally, Beyza shared insights into the prospects of hosting more HackJuno events in the coming times.

Juno CommunicationsJuno Communications

Mesh Security

Mesh Security in the Cosmos Ecosystem: Bridging Chains and Fostering Unity.

Juno NetworkJunø ⚡

$JUNO - Mesh Security

$JUNO - Charter draft proposal

@DA0_DA0's@noahsasoadvocates for self-governance, criticizes current systems for benefiting few, causing chaos like climate change, and believes DAOs offer a way to experiment and create better governance.  Even if direct democracy isn't the answer.

Juno Communications

@DA0_DA0's@noahsasoadvocates for self-governance, criticizes current systems for benefiting few, causing chaos like climate change, and believes DAOs offer a way to experiment and create better governance. Even if direct democracy isn't the answer.

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